Kristal Kitsune's Commissions
Would you like some custom made art work or an original design to call your own? You came to the right artist!
Terms of Service
-You must be able to pay upfront through PayPal.
-The artwork is for personal use only unless stated otherwise.
-Credit must ALWAYS be given under any circumstance, especially if used for commercial purposes.
-Additional charges may apply for certain services.
-Illustrations take 1- 2 weeks to complete. Comics take about a month to complete. If the commission will take longer than expected, I will let you know.
-I don’t work under deadlines unless given at least a two weeks notice.
-My artwork is not for the use of NFTs or any other form of cryptocurrency.
-I reserve the right to refuse a commission without explanation.
Will Draw
-Copyrighted Characters
-Original Characters
-Fankids and Self inserts
-Simple Robots and Androids
-LGBT+ Characters
-Bruises, Scars, and Blood
Won’t Draw
-Incestuous or Abusive Pairings
-Adults sexually/romantically engaging with minors
-Extreme Fetishes
Complex Robots, Mechs, and Armor
-Propaganda Art depicting real life events/people